New Hats! (Days 396 & 397)

So I put my fleece hats on sale for Christmas, $15 each, with some exceptions. For example, a friend of mine is buying nine hats, so I'm selling them to him for ten dollars each. 'Cause I can't ask for that much money from a friend. =[

Anyway, my sister requested a kitty hat, so I made it for her as a Christmas present. =] I'll ship it to her once I get her a couple more things (she lives in another state D=). My friend that wants nine hats wants all of the Eeveelutions, so I made one of them (an Eevee).

It didn't go that splendidly, first I cut the base piece too small. I probably should've just stopped there and cut another piece, but, no, I am persistent! Then I cut the ears too small, but it's alright because they turned out alright anyway. Then I sewed half of it inside-out -.- That was just dumb. Once I got it all together, I realized that not only is it so small, but it has no tail! Guh. So I'll be making another one. The first one is adorable anyway, and would be good for a kid. ^-^

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